Boy Meets Boy (2003) was an American reality television show in which a gay man named James Getzlaff selected another man to date from among a group of 15 potential suitors, known as "mates." Helping him choose was his best friend Andra Stasko. The "controversial" twist was that some of the housemates were gay, while others were straight. James was not told of this fact until nearly the end of the series' run, and the gay mates were never informed. If James' final choice from among the mates was gay, James and the mate would win a cash prize and a trip for two to New Zealand. If James chose a straight mate, James would win nothing and the mate would win $25,000. The producers managed to keep a mixture of gay and straight men in the house despite the eliminations by putting the men into "groups" that prevented the contestant from eliminating all of the gay men or all of the straight men. At the end of each episode, the sexual orientation of each eliminated mate was revealed to viewers. (c)Нет, ну какая прелесть! =)) А гомо-половина случайно не обратила в свою "веру" гетеро-половину, пока там торчала? *ржет и качает*
"Slasher is a sexual orientation"
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Идея обязательно! и чую буду спамить красивыми мальчегами