Фандом СПН окрыля-я-е-т! | Это безумие!? Это МишМиш!!! _______________________ аццкое зло (с)p_m; зараза (с)archgavriil; Реактивный Хомячок (с)Ill; Извращенец-самоучка(с)Дин
В жизни бы не подумала, что песня Тату может быть Дестиэлевой, но как же мне нра этот клип.
Особенно "if they hurt you they hurt me too", и "hold on tight, hold on to me" - просто выносит.
еще пара понравившихся вещей"Why'd you have to wait, where were you, where were you, just a little late you found me, you found me" - офигенное POV Дина.
Фандом СПН окрыля-я-е-т! | Это безумие!? Это МишМиш!!! _______________________ аццкое зло (с)p_m; зараза (с)archgavriil; Реактивный Хомячок (с)Ill; Извращенец-самоучка(с)Дин
Title: Like there's no tomorrow Author:-Timey~Wimey~Kid- Rating: PG-13 Pairing: Dean/Castiel Genre: angst Warnings: slash, spoilers up to 5x01 Summary: First time they met after Lucifer was set free, they didn't have a chance to say much to each other. Now they did. Word count: 935 A/N: Well, basically this drabble has been growing in my head since I heard "You and your brother destroyed the world" in 5x02 promo. Plus, I was trying to somehow comfort my inner shipper by finding a decent explanation to the coldness of Dean's and Castiel's meeting in 5x01. So, this is it. Disclaimer: they're all Kripke's dolls, I just stole them to play for a bit.
Dean was sitting on an empty bench...Dean was sitting on an empty bench, his car parked nearby. He needed time to think. Although thinking didn't go very well. He didn't remember when he last had any decent sleep, or eaten anything. He knew, however, that if he tried to sleep now he wouldn't be able to. And he was just too damn tired to look for a round-the-clock diner.
He heard the familiar flapping of wings, but although his heart skipped a beat, he didn't turn around.
Castiel was there now, sitting next to him, their knees almost touching. Dean didn't move. He wasn't sure if he was happy to see the angel or not. Naturally, he was beyond relieved that Castiel was alive. But it seemed like this was not the angel he knew. This new Cas scared the shit out of him: the way he got rid of all those angels in a blink of an eye, the way he managed to pull off Zachariah obeying him...
- Hello Dean, - the familiar voice finally said.
- Why are you here? - Dean asked, still not facing the angel. There was another pause, before Castiel said, not answering the question:
- You know, you and your brother destroyed the world.
Dean couldn’t believe his ears.
- Excuse me? ME and my brother?!
- I told you to stop Sam. Long before this all happened. You should have listened to me.
- Well, - Dean finally turned to face Castiel, getting angrier every minute, - maybe, just maybe, if you've listened to my advice a little earlier, back then, in your stupid “green room”, maybe I would've had time to stop Sam! But no! You had faith, didn't you? After everything Zachariah said, you still believed in destiny and God and all that crap. And you know why? Because you're a coward, Cas.
Castiel looked at him for another moment, his expression unreadable, before lowering his head. And that's when Dean noticed. All that power, all that authority, fury, strength - it was gone in a blink of an eye. Castiel looked... broken. It's as if he took off the mask he was wearing to hide what's inside - for Dean, as he spoke in a quiet voice:
- You know what it's like to Fall, Dean?
Dean didn't know what to answer, so he just waited.
- It's like being ripped apart to pieces and put together again. Only that this is only the physical part. And then again on the inside, there are all these emotions... They keep tearing and hurting and... I don't know how you humans cope with that.
- Cas...
- And having to make own decisions, for the first time, because there are no orders…
- Cas! – Dean grabbed him by the shoulder, forcing to look at him, just the way he had done… it felt like an eternity ago now. - Cas, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have called you that. What you did was... Well, more than most of your lovely brothers did.
- I guess we’re all guilty here. – Cas bit his lower lip, and it was something he had never done before, something so human, that it caused Dean to change the topic:
- So are you, like… more human now?
- I don’t know what I am, - answered Castiel. - I’m not an angel anymore, not really, but I’m definitely not human. I still have my wings…
- Well that’s… nice. Cuz they looked pretty cool. Would be a pity to lose them.
Castiel looked at him and… smiled. Wow, thought Dean, Castiel understands humor: that was even creepier than him smiting all those angels. Would need some serious getting used to.
- By the way, I… I never said… I’m really glad that you’re, you know. Alive.
- Yeh, me too, - said Castiel. – And I’m happy that you and your brother are.
- I would’ve missed you. – Dean didn’t realize what he said before the words were already spoken. Castiel was looking at him, that confused expression on his face, and Dean felt like it’s no use hiding anything. After all, Cas trusted him to tell a lot about himself… So the words just kept flowing from him: - I mean, now with all that crap going on with Sammy, I feel like you’re the only one I can really trust, and when Chuck said you exploded, well, I thought… - He bit his lower lip. He almost couldn’t say it out loud, because all this pain he had felt that moment was coming back, and it was overwhelming.
- You thought… what?
- That I’ve lost you forever. – He put all his effort into his voice not sounding shaky, but he knew Castiel could see right through him. Always could.
- I’m right here, Dean, - he said. - And I will be, no matter how much you screw up. Okay? – He put his hand on Dean’s shoulder, right above the mark, with calming warmth flowing right into Dean’s body and soul.
And that was it.
Dean grabbed him by the trench coat collar, pulling him into a desperate kiss. He realized this was madness, but he really didn’t give a damn, especially not since Castiel embraced him with his warm, calming arms, pulling him even closer, deepening the kiss, and gently caressing his back.
No more words were spoken; they didn’t matter anymore. Neither did the Apocalypse, or Lucifer, or anything else. There was just this bench in the faint moonlight, where the fallen angel and his human were kissing like there was no tomorrow.
Фандом СПН окрыля-я-е-т! | Это безумие!? Это МишМиш!!! _______________________ аццкое зло (с)p_m; зараза (с)archgavriil; Реактивный Хомячок (с)Ill; Извращенец-самоучка(с)Дин
Фотошопер из меня никакой, но что я хотела, я выразила. Потому что да, Сэмми виноват, и еще как. Но вся эта фандомная ненависть по отношению к нему... Как будто мы все идеальны.
И еще пара мыслей"...cuz I'll take the pain and the guilt, I'll even take Sam as is." (4x22) Где, Дин? Где?
Фандом СПН окрыля-я-е-т! | Это безумие!? Это МишМиш!!! _______________________ аццкое зло (с)p_m; зараза (с)archgavriil; Реактивный Хомячок (с)Ill; Извращенец-самоучка(с)Дин
SPOILERY SPOILERSTWO DEAN WINCHESTERS? — Sam (Jared Padalecki) tells Dean (Jensen Ackles) he wants to rejoin Dean in the battle of the Apocalypse, but Dean tells Sam that they are better off apart. Later, Dean awakens five years in the future in an abandoned city and is attacked by humans who have been infected with a demonic virus that turns humans into Zombies. Zachariah (guest star Kurt Fuller) appears to Dean and explains that this is the world that exists as a result of Dean saying no to helping the angels fight Lucifer. Dean meets up with Future Dean, who tells him that the virus is the Devil's endgame for destroying mankind. Misha Collins also stars. Steve Boyum directed the episode written by Ben Edlund.
Фандом СПН окрыля-я-е-т! | Это безумие!? Это МишМиш!!! _______________________ аццкое зло (с)p_m; зараза (с)archgavriil; Реактивный Хомячок (с)Ill; Извращенец-самоучка(с)Дин
главное не забывать спойлер-кат а то побьют...что когда Закария мучал Дина и Сэма, я вопила на весь чат "Ну погоди, сцукин сын, вот щас явится Кас и таких пиздюлей навешает!!!...". И тут на экране Кас. O_o
Фандом СПН окрыля-я-е-т! | Это безумие!? Это МишМиш!!! _______________________ аццкое зло (с)p_m; зараза (с)archgavriil; Реактивный Хомячок (с)Ill; Извращенец-самоучка(с)Дин
Так... более содержательный отзыв.
Все еще спойлерыВо-первых, жутко интересно, кто все-таки вытащил Дина с Сэмом и воскресил Каса. Обсуждения склоняются либо к Люциферу, либо к Богу. Ставлю все-таки на Бога.
"I learned that from my friend Cas, you son of a bitch" <3 <3 <3 Он впервые его так назвал. Я пррррусь.
Слешерная Sam!Girl просто убила =)))) боже, я люблю Крипке за такие ржаки. "I knew it!!!" xDDDDDD
"You're not what I pictured" - пля, а какого тебе Дина надо было, девочка?)))
Блин... такой несчастный, извиняющийся Сэм, я просто нимагу...
Плять, я так и знала, что это не Бобби. После всего, что он внушал Дину в конце 4го сезона, он никак не мог такое сказать.
Кто-то красиво откомментил, что теперь надо каждого встречного поливать святой водой при встрече.
Новая Мег мне не нра совершенно. Фубля.
Грррр, как я ненавижу Закарию и его прихлебателей.
Но божемой, какой Кас!!! Откуда в нем столько силы взялось?! Ну это просто сууууупер! Объятий не было, что грустно. Но может, они и правда были тут не к месту. Зато какие взгляды...
Вессель Люцифера меня уже прееееет <3
И сам Люцифер. Блин, я уже понимаю название серии. Действительно, Люцифер обалденный.
Концовка... ну, ожидаемая :'( Но грустно, грустно...
Фандом СПН окрыля-я-е-т! | Это безумие!? Это МишМиш!!! _______________________ аццкое зло (с)p_m; зараза (с)archgavriil; Реактивный Хомячок (с)Ill; Извращенец-самоучка(с)Дин
СПОЙЛЕРЫ СПОЙЛЕРЫ СПОЙЛЕРЫКАС!!!!!!!!! БОЖЕ, КАС!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Меня кидало всю первую половину Но потом все заработало И боже, это того стоило До 5 утра без сна Возня с live stream'ом ПЛЯ Я ПРОСТО В ВОСТОРГЕ КРИПКЕ БОХХХХХХХХХХ КАС РУЛИИИИИИИИИИИИТ Вот только... ну хоть бы обнялись, что ли? Дин, что ж ты так?! Ну и... Дин и Сэм... Все, ничего содержательного я больше не смогу сегодня написать. Жду рипа.
Фандом СПН окрыля-я-е-т! | Это безумие!? Это МишМиш!!! _______________________ аццкое зло (с)p_m; зараза (с)archgavriil; Реактивный Хомячок (с)Ill; Извращенец-самоучка(с)Дин
4x01 - Lazarus Rising 4x02 - Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester 4x03 - In the Beginning 4x04 - Metamorphosis 4x05 - Monster Movie 4x06 - Yellow Fever 4x07 - It's the Great Pumpkin Sam Winchester 4x08 - Wishful Thinking 4x09 - I Know What You Did Last Summer 4x10 - Heaven and Hell 4x11 - Family Remains 4x12 - Criss Angel Is a Douchebag 4x13 - After School Special 4x14 - Sex and Violence 4x15 - Death Takes a Holiday 4x16 - On the Head of a Pin 4x17 - It's a Terrible Life 4x18 - The Monster at the End of This Book 4x19 - Jump the Shark 4x20 - The Rapture 4x21 - When the Levee Breaks 4x22 - Lucifer Rising
Фандом СПН окрыля-я-е-т! | Это безумие!? Это МишМиш!!! _______________________ аццкое зло (с)p_m; зараза (с)archgavriil; Реактивный Хомячок (с)Ill; Извращенец-самоучка(с)Дин
Плять, а сайт с трансляцией CW какого-то хрена не работает... Жму на плей, крутится колесико - и опять все по новой заработало. Все, теперь на паузу не ставлю, только звук отрубаю. Ибо грузится через 10 раз.
Фандом СПН окрыля-я-е-т! | Это безумие!? Это МишМиш!!! _______________________ аццкое зло (с)p_m; зараза (с)archgavriil; Реактивный Хомячок (с)Ill; Извращенец-самоучка(с)Дин
И от нефиг делать...
3x01: Everyone "Oh... right. You hate her." "I look at lots of people. That doesn't mean I want to... get to know them." "I'm Effy. And I think my mom's having an affair."
3x02: Cook "Really?! How crazy!"
3x03: Thomas "It doesn't seem complicated. You're fucking my dad's line manager. No biggie." "I never try."
3x04: Pandora "Yes, Pandora. They've been making monkey." "Pandora, why are we friends? Do you ever wonder?" "I'll try anything." "You don't give a fuck about anything, do you?" "We're friends because you don't surf and turf my men, you said that!"
3x05: Freddie "So what do you and the boys do in here? Braid each other's hair and play soggy biscuit?" "Nobody breaks my heart... and anyway, why would I want that?" "Freddie. I don't think I can..."
3x06: Naomi "Nothing. Shut up."
3x07: JJ "Thanks for loving me." "So I suggest we go in here and get so monumentally fucked up, we forget all about..."
3x08: Effy "Cook's gone. We broke up." "Came to tell you something." "Whatever... Freak." "Look what I found." "I'll tell you later." "Wait. It was one time, right? Your party. It was only once, right?" "Hit me. Just once. I want to feel something." "Where are we going?"
3x10: Finale "It's been weeks, Cook. One small shitty town after another." "Let's get out of here. Let's just go." "You've been doing it to him every day of his life." "The only one I've got." "Hurry up!"
Фандом СПН окрыля-я-е-т! | Это безумие!? Это МишМиш!!! _______________________ аццкое зло (с)p_m; зараза (с)archgavriil; Реактивный Хомячок (с)Ill; Извращенец-самоучка(с)Дин
У меня такое ощущение, что вся лента смотрит и болтает про СПН, только на разных стадиях... =))))) а те, кто не смотрит, тихо забились в угол, пережидая бурю