bellajayd - "Like a Virgin".

The angel Castiel let out a soft sigh as Uriel started snickering next to him. Dean Winchester’s cries had been echoing throughout the entire Celestial Plane.

“Ahhh, Castiel, just when I think there is nothing left to laugh at in this world you go and turn Dean Winchester into a literal virgin.” Uriel’s naturally deep voice slid down a register as he continued to chuckle.

If Castiel could blush, he would. As it stood, all he could do was dim his light a bit in hopes that his brothers and sisters wouldn’t notice him.

“A hymen!!” Michael, God’s fiercest warrior, yelled in Castiel’s direction as he whisked by in a flurry of brassy light, trailing soft giggles behind him.

Castiel groaned to himself. The Angelic Spheres would never let him live this down.

He honestly hadn’t known! It had been an innocent mistake. He hadn’t been to visit the Earthly Plane in over two thousand years – even then, he had only descended to deliver a quick message to a finicky prophet.


Для тех кто не рубит в англицком... (Я даже писать об этом не могу, не трясясь со смеху) Короче, фик о том, как Кастиэль, не особо врубая в разницу между женской и мужской анатомией, во время воскрешения преподнес Дину подарок в виде девственной плевы в заднице.