Bebko (2000:15) concluded in her research that “consumers’ expectations of services do vary based on the “intangibility” of the service, increasing as intangibility increases”. If this is true, we expect the average score of questions 1, 3, 5, 8 and 9 to be higher than the score of questions 2, 4, 6, 7 and 10 respectively. This is because we will need some ECTS credits in order to get a job later in life, so that we don’t end up unemployed and homeless and eating food from garbage bins. Apart from that, having a good salary has empirically been proven to increase your chances of conquering a good-looking partner. In addition to that, it raises a person’s self-esteem and self-confidence. That will, in its turn, increase the chance that you will ask your partner to marry you, and go on honeymoon to Disney Land. Disney Land is very nice, so that’s a healthy purpose. We love Mickey Mouse. Pluto is also very lovely. This, although we do believe he’s not the most intelligent creature that has ever lived. However, he is definitely smarter than Oddie in the Garfield comic strip. But that does not necessarily say something, because Oddie is indeed really stupid. As opposed to popular belief, this is not his fault though. When he was young, he was hit by a comet, and magically survived. However, his intelligence was severely decreased by this unfortunate event. Despite his low intelligence level, we are aware of Oddie’s sincere concern about the relationship between service intangibility and expectations. Therefore we see Oddie as a great source of inspiration. Hence, we would like to dedicate this paper to Oddie.