@Nunney2584: Mark just broke the chair. And i mean really REALLY broke it #aecon
@tuesdayblind: Question: what monster would like to see in season 6? Misha: COOKIE MONSTER! #aecon
@Nunney2584: #aecon, misha was asked about slash. He actually sed its a good thing & 'unites the world together'. Awww
@Faffa1993: BTW Misha Said at his coffee Lounge that Jensen and Jared already signed for SEASON 7!!

На этом твиты заканчиваются. Не, ну хуле?! Немцы, суки вы все! Суки! Самое охуенное событие дня - Мишаленд объявил войну Германии. Ояебу.